~beatus vita~

~beatus vita~
love every moment in my life~

Sunday, December 4, 2011


gosh..i opened the blog two days ago n i wanted to straight away write one entry about my current life, but it never happened.i mean, me writing that one entry...i have a bit of a problem with time right now.i'm still learning on how to manage my time a bit more carefully.so, i want to tell u about what my hubby said about blogging. he asked me last night, " does anyone read your blog?", i replied, "no". so, he asked again, "so, why bother writing them?", and i told him "i don't know"..deep down in my heart i know that this blog was created long ago, so that i can improve my writing skill and be familiar with the language that i once knew very well..so, xlama lgi, beribu la entry yang akan ditulis.hahhaha..stay tuned..=)

Friday, June 10, 2011

feel like running away~~~

I just landed in Sibu yesterday and now I feel like running away from this place..xtau nape but my heart is not here just yet. I know I have to be grateful because I can be with my hubby, but the homesickness is too strong to be ignored...I miss my mama the most.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


emm..ak bru balik dri jumpa hubby kt kl.bermacam dugaan yang ak ngn hubby terpaksa tempuh demi perjumpaan yang xsmpai 24 jam..n i'm feeling low right now sbb hubby is not here with me..dh x boleh peluk2 cium lagi..hubby pn dh smpai srawak a few hours back and skang dh masuk latihan dh. xsempat nak berehat dh kna g buat keja dh.. i remember the last time we argued about his work, he said that after dia posting staf, no more late night work and most importanly, waktu bekerja hanyalah dari 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and weekend is free from work..tp apa yang jadi masalah skang adalah bila keja nya pagi petang siang malam.mcm mna ak nak hidup kt sarawak nanti bila asyik kna tggl je..xke jd mcm skang. fortnight wife gitueww...STRESS...n tomorrow, he's flying to Kuching sbb ada meeting plak..kalu asyik mcm ni, cba pk kn bila ak dh g srawak nant, mcm mna khdupan aku?asyik kna tggl?oh no..ak xmampu nk hadapi nya lg..penat la..lg pn, ak rsa pegawai yang dh berkahwin ni, ptt diambil kira kebajikan keluarganya jugak..jgn smpai keja tu jd no 1 dlam hidup..itu tidak adil..and hati aku rsa cam "penat"..ntahla..I FEEL SAD..=(   rsa cam nak ngis je..i hate this feeling. God, ak xpenah terpk kehidupan selepas kwin akn jd mcm nih..seyesly n honestly I thought his working life will still be the same as before..msa sebelum kawen..