~beatus vita~

~beatus vita~
love every moment in my life~

Sunday, December 4, 2011


gosh..i opened the blog two days ago n i wanted to straight away write one entry about my current life, but it never happened.i mean, me writing that one entry...i have a bit of a problem with time right now.i'm still learning on how to manage my time a bit more carefully.so, i want to tell u about what my hubby said about blogging. he asked me last night, " does anyone read your blog?", i replied, "no". so, he asked again, "so, why bother writing them?", and i told him "i don't know"..deep down in my heart i know that this blog was created long ago, so that i can improve my writing skill and be familiar with the language that i once knew very well..so, xlama lgi, beribu la entry yang akan ditulis.hahhaha..stay tuned..=)